Château Ausone
Established in the 18th century, Chateau Ausone is located in the Saint Emilion appellation of Bordeaux. It is also recognized as a Grand Cru Classé A of Saint Emilion (one of five chateaux having received such a prestigious title). The wines of Chateau Ausone are exceptional and regarded as some of the highest quality wines of Bordeaux, which explains why they are so coveted and receive outstanding reviews year after year.
You can purchase Chateau Ausone wines directly on BTC Wine !
BTC Wine offers an array of fine wines from Bordeaux, in recent and old vintages, packed in original wooden cases (upon request and according to availability). On BTC Wine you can buy fine wines by the case, using cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), along with fiat currencies (€,£,$...).